Monday, 11 February 2013

A different kind of trauma...

We had an interesting case come in last night.  If you are over 18, and don't mind hearing about deviant behavior, keep on reading.  Otherwise, just close this window now and check again when I have my next post.

A young man was referred to the trauma department at 3am because his situation was becoming more traumatic by the minute.  He had put on a chrome cock ring at 3pm the day before, and after an enjoyable afternoon, found himself in the unfortunate position of not being able to take it off.  He "sat on it" for 10 hours before the pain became so intense that he had to come to the Emergency Department.  They didn't know how to get it off, so they referred him to Trauma.

Now, I left this picture intentionally blurry to protect the innocent.  You can see that the ring was placed over the entire package (not jus the shaft), which seems like a really bad idea to me from the get-go.  He was in excruciating pain and was willing to let us do anything to help.  That's definitely the head space you need to be in to allow us to attempt what you can see in the next picture...

We got out the 3 foot industrial bolt cutters and went to work.  Mind you, the ring was steel and in a particularly sensitive and important area.  It was not a simple or easy task to cut it off.  After multiple attempts and several rounds of patient analgesia we were finally able to get a good angle and cut through the ring.  Everyone in the room breathed a big sigh of relief, but no one was more relieved than our patient.  He was one of the most appreciative patients I have seen thus far.


  1. casey, it is quite possible that you have a tuning fork to my life. just when i need to hear the 'ring'ing of laughter in my head, there you go with a typical doctor/cock ring tale. Bolt cutters included of course....HOLY FREAKING SHIT DUDE!!!! Stay safe and make sure your rings only go on yer digits, dont let the deviant behavior rub off on ya....

  2. OMG, that was gnarly, self-induced elaphantitus of the scrotal sackage and penis to boot. Thing looked like it was going to pop!

    Nate H.

  3. lol I don't see why you didn't want to show this to class last night... thanks for giving us such a great presentation! was not expecting to laugh so much :) glad to know you can be a surgeon and a real person with feelings
